Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Managing by Outcomes and Jobs to be Done

Managing by Outcomes with Jobs to be Done (JTBD) can help facilitate two-way negotiations that allow for team autonomy and ownership.

Design Readings Software

Watch Jeff Patton’s “Output versus Outcome and Impact” talk

In this short video, Jeff Patton talks about the challenges of moving from Output to Outcome in Product Thinking, and how we should measure good outcome!

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategy, Feedback and Design Reviews

Influencing larger decisions that shape strategy starts with facilitating the smallest decisions, including how to incorporate feedback into designs.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Visibility and Traceability

In this post I’ll talk the need for visibility and traceability systems that enables you to adjust strategic choices accordingly.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategy and the Importance of Vision

Let’s talk about the importance of vision for creating shared understanding around why are we bringing a product to market in the first place.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Strategy, Facilitation and Art of Asking Questions

In this post, we will deep dive on art of asking questions to ensure teams are making good decisions and paddling on the same direction […]

Design Readings

Watch “Seeing the Big Picture: The Development of an Experience Scorecard” with Bill Albert

In this webinar, Bill Albert shows how his experience scorecard can be used to answer important questions around usability, emotional experience, design and brand experience.


Listen to Josh Seiden “Driving Outcomes Over Output Requires Understanding Customer Behavior” talk

Josh Seiden talks to the Product Science Podcast about how to simplify the development process by focusing on getting the outcomes we want […]

Design Innovation Readings

Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden’s “Products and Services in the Age of Complexity”

In this talk at UX London 2017, Jeff and Josh show how teams at large companies and startups are combining modern lean and agile tactics with service design methods to create and deliver new digital products—faster, with less risk, and with better customer outcomes than ever before.


Watch Tomer Sharon’s “Perfectly Executing the Wrong Plan” Talk

In his talk at Google I/O 2014, Tomer Sharon inspires developers to implement valid and reliable ways to answer their most burning questions. It’ll help them validate or invalidate their assumptions on their own—cheaply, and quickly, by using simple user research techniques with a main goal in mind: developing apps people need, want, and enjoy […]