Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Managing by Outcomes and Jobs to be Done

Managing by Outcomes with Jobs to be Done (JTBD) can help facilitate two-way negotiations that allow for team autonomy and ownership.

Design Innovation Readings

Listen to Josh Seiden’s “Outcomes Over Outputs” talk

Joshua Seiden recently talked on the Product Experience Podcast, where we find out how to simplify the development process by focusing on getting the outcomes we want.


Listen to Josh Seiden “Driving Outcomes Over Output Requires Understanding Customer Behavior” talk

Josh Seiden talks to the Product Science Podcast about how to simplify the development process by focusing on getting the outcomes we want […]

Design Innovation Readings

Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden’s “Products and Services in the Age of Complexity”

In this talk at UX London 2017, Jeff and Josh show how teams at large companies and startups are combining modern lean and agile tactics with service design methods to create and deliver new digital products—faster, with less risk, and with better customer outcomes than ever before.

Design Readings

Watch Josh Seiden’s “A Designers Introduction to Lean Startup” talk at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Josh Seiden introduce you to the key ideas of Lean Startup, talk about the amazing opportunities for designers this movement presents, and share case studies of how he and his partners have used the techniques of Lean Startup as the foundation of their design studio […]

Design Innovation Readings Software

Watch Joshua Seiden’s “Replacing Requirements with Hypotheses” talk at Agile Experience Meetup

Slides from a talk by Josh Seiden and John Halloran at the Agile Experience Meetup in NYC, OCt 17, 2011. This is a first version of the talk that presents high-level concepts and UX strategy work for replacing requirements with hypotheses […]