Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Beyond the Hype: Bring AI and Human Needs Together with Jobs-to-be-Done

Explore how the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) and AI can transform your product roadmaps from understanding needs to fulfilling them in user-centric ways.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Managing and Adapting to Change in Thought Leadership

For designers and strategists aspiring to become thought leaders, managing and adapting to change are not just desirable traits but a fundamental necessity.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Innovative Thinking and Idea Generation for Thought Leadership

Innovative thinking and idea generation help designers and strategists bridge uncertainty and vision. Let’s review the necessary skills for this process.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Presentation and Storytelling Skills for Strategy Development and Stakeholder Engagement

To drive user experience vision forward, strategists need to effectively communicate their strategies with good presentation and storytelling skills.

Trend Watching

2022 Year in Review

In this post, I’m going to reflect on what was on my mind by looking back on some stats of my posts in 2022.

Design Strategy Project Management Talks & Workshops

Managing by Outcomes and Jobs to be Done

Managing by Outcomes with Jobs to be Done (JTBD) can help facilitate two-way negotiations that allow for team autonomy and ownership.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategy, Feedback and Design Reviews

Influencing larger decisions that shape strategy starts with facilitating the smallest decisions, including how to incorporate feedback into designs.

Design Strategy Design Thinking Project Management Talks & Workshops

“What’s the Problem We’re Trying to Solve?” talk at UX India 2021

We’ll discuss Problem Framing and Reframing at UX India 2021, with tips for team alignment.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Strategic Collaboration in Distributed or Remote Environments

In this post, I’ll talk about some strategies to help improve strategic collaboration while working in Distributed, Remote or Global Teams.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Problem Framing for Strategic Design

Let’s talk about problem framing techniques that can help you get team alignment by creating clarity of what problems they are trying to solve.