Innovation Readings Software

Watch “Context-Aware Computing: Research, History, and Examples” with Albrecht Schmidt

Professor Albrecht Schmidt introduces context-aware computing, which enables devices to perceive and react to their surroundings through sensors, simplifying user interaction and enhancing technological intuitiveness.

Design Information Technology Innovation Readings Software Trend Watching

Watch “Welcome to the world of audio computers” talk by Jason Rugolo

Designer and inventor Jason Rugolo introduces “audio computers” at the TED stage. These devices can enhance sounds, translate conversations in real time, and respond to your voice like a friend.

Design Readings Software

Watch “What happened to ‘simple’ design?” with David Pogue

Products have become overly complicated with an abundance of features, causing frustration among customers. Correspondent David Pogue delves into how simplicity in technology can simplify our complex lives.

Design Readings Software

Watch “Mind the gap: User Centered Design in Large Organizations” with Luke Wroblewski

Learn to deliver user-centered online experiences by aligning business goals with user needs.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Building Trustworthy Experiences: A Primer of AI Principles for Design and Strategy

Let’s look at how trust is built in AI-powered products. We’ll discuss the different phases of the user’s journey, suggesting ways to design trustworthy AI experiences.

Design Inspiration Readings Software

Watch “The Disappearing Computer” with Imran Chaudhri

Imran Chaudhri gives a sneak peek of a breakthrough product and explains how it could change the way we interact with tech and the world around us.

Design Software

Watch “Designing with AI” talk with Emily Sappington

In her talk at UX Brighton 2019, Emily Sappington shares tips that help designers know what to expect when people encounter their AI product.

Design Readings

Listen to “The power of inclusive design” with Benjamin Evans

In this episode of the Design Better Podcast, Benjamin Evans talks about the power of inclusive design to create better experiences.

Personal Readings Software

R.I.P. Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash is officially dead! The date is really emotional to me: in my first job as a web designer, I had to learn flash in a week! Macromedia (which eventually was acquired by Adobe) Flash defined the first decade of my career. Not to be missed, but never forgoten!


Watch “Secrets of Successful Collaboration” with Gretchen Anderson

Gretchen Anderson shares the secrets of successful collaboration that can increase the inclusivity of teams and reduce struggles of working together […]