Design Inspiration Readings

Remembering Bob Gill

One of the founders of the Designers and Art Directors Association (D&AD) and an avid author on design, Bob Gill strongly believed that designers are the original problem solvers.

Design Innovation Readings

Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden’s “Products and Services in the Age of Complexity”

In this talk at UX London 2017, Jeff and Josh show how teams at large companies and startups are combining modern lean and agile tactics with service design methods to create and deliver new digital products—faster, with less risk, and with better customer outcomes than ever before.

Design Readings

Listen to Jeff Gothelf’s “9 Ways to Design with a Distributed Team” talk at IA Summit 2013

In this talk, you’ll learn proven methods of maintaining team cohesion and conversation, building trust with colleagues in different time zones, and using the myriad tools available to improve long-distance collaboration, which has been a long interest of mine (I even wrote a thesis on it) […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: São Paulo on top 10 most ‘instagrammed’ cities in 2013

The city of São Paulo was the fifth city in the world in 2013 with more pictures and videos posted on social media network application Instagram, according to a list of cities and popular places disclosed by the application on recently […]

Talks & Workshops User Experience

Designing Interactions / Experiences: Reflection in Action

This is the explanation of the “Reflection in Action” component of the completion criteria of the “Designing Interactions / Experiences” module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which I’m honored to give by invitation of Professor Philipp Heidkamp […]

Design Readings

IxDA’s 2014 Interaction Awards Shortlist announced

The Interaction Design Association (IxDA) has just announced the shortlist of entries for the 2014 Interaction Awards. Out of the 350 projects submitted from around the world, 91 projects from 18 countries have been elevated for consideration […]

Design Innovation Readings

Dieter Rams’ “Less is More” interview for Gestalten TV

How to introduce one of the most influential designers of the 20th century – one whose clear visual language has not only defined product design for decades, but also our fundamental understanding of design’s potential and function? We’re guessing our Less and More: The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams book, this video podcast interview, and the exhibition at London’s Design Museum is a good start […]

Economics Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Number of billionaires expected to grow 157% in 10 years, study says

Brazil had 53 billionaires in 2012. In 2022, there will be 136, according to the annual survey provides Wealth Report, released recently by consultancy Knight Frank. The growth in the number of billionaires expected for Brazil, 157%, is the worlds third largest, behind China 214% and Indonesia 190%.Currently, the country with the most billionaires are the United States, with 543 people – a number that will rise to 1101 in ten years. Second on the list today is China, with 154 billionaires, and the third is with Germany and the UK – both have 149 billionaires […]

Economics Trend Watching

Doing Business in Brazil: Official guide advises Britons on Brazilian Culture

The recommendations and observations such as avoid talking about Poverty and Argentina come from the UK Trade and Investment Agency (UKTI) and were included in an official guide published to help British entrepreneurs who is planning on doing business in Brazil […]

Design Readings

Watch Erik Spiekermann’s “Type on Screen” talk at Creative Mornings

Jür­gen Siebert runs the Creative Mornings section for Berlin. At the 13th Creative Morning in Berlin Erik Spiekermann gives a 20 minute introduction to Type On Screen […]