Design Strategy Talks & Workshops

Building a Supportive Network for Thought Leadership

Unlock your thought leadership potential by collaborating, scaling visionary ideas, and influencing change by building ripple effects.

Design Innovation Readings

Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden’s “Products and Services in the Age of Complexity”

In this talk at UX London 2017, Jeff and Josh show how teams at large companies and startups are combining modern lean and agile tactics with service design methods to create and deliver new digital products—faster, with less risk, and with better customer outcomes than ever before.

Design Readings

Watch Michael Hawley’s “Core Principles of UX Management” talk on IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

In this talk Michael Hawley discusses ux management tactics that facilitate individual learning, enable professional development, and create an environment that motivates individuals and teams to find creative solutions to design problems […]