This talk is aimed at anyone who is looking for practical ways to bridge the gaps between traditional research and agile practices by focussing on activities that hold common value for both […]
Tag: Development
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In his talk at Google I/O 2014, Tomer Sharon inspires developers to implement valid and reliable ways to answer their most burning questions. It’ll help them validate or invalidate their assumptions on their own—cheaply, and quickly, by using simple user research techniques with a main goal in mind: developing apps people need, want, and enjoy […]
Infrastructure problems and lack of familiarity of the users make Brazil a country that goes ‘two-speed’ internet, according to data presented recently by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) […]
The Experience Sampling Method is a simple research technique for uncovering user needs. In a typical Experience Sampling method, research participants are interrupted several times a day to note their experience in real time. In his talk during The LeanUX Conference, researcher Tomer Sharon demonstrates the method, describe how it has been applied at Google Search, and provide a short, practical how-to guide […]
How can we designers get the professional respect we want? This talk explores several topics and models that can help not only you, but the design community as well, along the way. On earning respect and doing what we love – Interaction South America 2013 from Santiago Bustelo Santiago Bustelo had his first contact with […]
1,840,187 new businesses were opened in Brazil in 2013, according to a survey released on Friday (31) by SERASA. It was 8.8% higher than the number recorded in 2012, when 1,690,760 new businesses have opened in the country […]
The startup PagPop –creator of a system that allows Hairdressers, hot dog vendors and other small entrepreneurs to receive payments by credit card on smartphones — has joined the Business Call to Action, a group of companies that develop business models focused on solving Millennium goals […]
This month I took part on the UXMatter “Ask the Experts” panel, and helped answer questions regarding The Best Ways to Prioritize Products and Features […]
This is the explanation of the “Reflection in Action” component of the completion criteria of the “Designing Interactions / Experiences” module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which I’m honored to give by invitation of Professor Philipp Heidkamp […]
The web is evolving, orienting around people rather than content. As a result, almost all UX professionals will increasingly need to design social experiences. Designing interactions between people is different from designing user experiences. For example there is often no clear task to design for, no set user goal, and no clear outcome. To complicate […]