Information Design Talks & Workshops User Experience

Watch “Look, Listen, and Maybe Speak” at UX Poland

In this talk we will see examples of how empathy and awareness about cultural differences can help us communicate better at work and with friends and family.

Information Design Talks & Workshops User Experience

Designing Interactions / Experiences: Information Design & Interpretation

This is the 4th (fourth) lecture of the ‘Designing Interactions & Experiences’ module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which we discuss how to use different data visualization techniques to facilitate decision making […]

Information Design Talks & Workshops

Information Design: Crossing Borders

This is the presentation I’ve recently done at the Creative Drive In event in Heerlem, The Netherlands. In this presentation we discuss: What is information Design? We also cover some Information Design “Bloopers”, and finally talk about Structure, Context and Presentation of Data and Information helps create clear communication.

Information Design Talks & Workshops User Experience

Information Architecture and Wayfinding

Students will understand principles of creating sensible, comprehensible, memorable, and convenient information architecture by organising the content and the tasks to be performed on their interactive product […]

Information Design Talks & Workshops

Information Design: Semiotics and the Use of Metaphors

You will learn how to use metaphors to enable users to better grasp the details of the conceptual models you create […]