
Watch Tomer Sharon’s “Perfectly Executing the Wrong Plan” Talk

In his talk at Google I/O 2014, Tomer Sharon inspires developers to implement valid and reliable ways to answer their most burning questions. It’ll help them validate or invalidate their assumptions on their own—cheaply, and quickly, by using simple user research techniques with a main goal in mind: developing apps people need, want, and enjoy […]

Design Readings

Watch Tomer Sharon’s “Don’t Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience” talk

The Experience Sampling Method is a simple research technique for uncovering user needs. In a typical Experience Sampling method, research participants are interrupted several times a day to note their experience in real time. In his talk during The LeanUX Conference, researcher Tomer Sharon demonstrates the method, describe how it has been applied at Google Search, and provide a short, practical how-to guide […]


Lou Rosenfeld talks to Tomer Sharon about “It’s Our Research”

Watch Tomer Sharon’s interview with Lou Rosenfeld (author, publisher, and consultant at Rosenfeld Media books and webinars): in this video they talked about UX research buy-in and research silos […]