Design Readings

Announcing the 2014 Interaction Awards Finalists/ IxD Awards

Three weeks ago, IxDA’s 2014 Interaction Awards global Jury met at Fabrica in Italy to review all of the shortlisted entries and choose the best examples of Interaction Design for 2014. IxDA is pleased to announce the finalists of the 2014 Interaction Awards, all of whom will be celebrated at Interaction14 in Amsterdam 5-8 of February, 2014 […]

Design Readings

IxDA’s 2014 Interaction Awards Shortlist announced

The Interaction Design Association (IxDA) has just announced the shortlist of entries for the 2014 Interaction Awards. Out of the 350 projects submitted from around the world, 91 projects from 18 countries have been elevated for consideration […]

China Trend Watching

Health in China: Breast cancer hits earlier

Over a third of Chinese women with breast cancer start to suffer the disease at their 40s and their average age is 48, 10 years earlier than Western women […]

Design Information Technology Software

Watch Peter Morville’s “The Future of Search” talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘10 Conference

In this talk, Peter Morvile defines a pattern language for search that embraces user psychology and behavior, multisensory interaction, and emerging technology […]

China Trend Watching

Living in China: Shanghai cancer rate is China’s highest

Shanghai people’s incidence of cancer is the highest in the nation, due to its large number of elderly and the persistence of unhealthy habits like smoking, Shanghai health officials said recently […]


Watch Randy Pausch’s “Really achieving your childhood dreams” talk at TED

In 2007, Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch, who was dying of pancreatic cancer, delivered a one-of-a-kind last lecture that made the world stop and pay attention. This moving talk will teach you how to really achieve your childhood dreams. Unmissable […]

China Economics Trend Watching

China, Technology, Development and the Environment: Photographer Lu Guang’s “Pollution in China”

To give us some perspective on the massive social and economic impact of pollution throughout China, Shanghaiist turned to photographer Lu Guang’s “Pollution in China” project. Lu won this year’s $30,000 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography from the Asia Society in New York. His project documents families, farmers, industrial districts, rivers, the countryside, cancer patients, children; anyone and everything affected by pollution across China […]


Living in China: 100 Million People with Mental Illness

Huang Yueqin, the director of the China’s National Center for Mental Health, has said that 100 million people, or 7% of the population, suffer from some degree of mental illness, yet only 5% of those afflicted are aware they have a problem […]


Living in China: Shanghai’s Cancer Casualties

Cancer was contracted by 350 people in every 100,000 in Shanghai, according to new figures issued recently by the city’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention […]


Living in China: Shanghai breast cancer rates highest in China

Shanghai has the highest incidence of breast cancer in China. More than 60 in every 100,000 women in the city contract the disease. About 6.4 percent of those who do are under 35 years old. “The incidence of breast cancer is rising in China due to the changing lifestyle, the increasing pace of life and rising pressure,” said Dr Shao Zhimin from the Shanghai Tumor Hospital […]