Economics Trend Watching

Living in Germany: Toughest Country to Handle the Basics of Expat Life

Internationals who move to Germany are happy in the workplace but have delivered a crushing verdict on how hard it is to find a home and settle into the society around them, a new survey shows.

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Germany: 3,8 million Germans have never used the internet

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said that about 6% of Germans have never used the internet.

Personal Readings Software

R.I.P. Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash is officially dead! The date is really emotional to me: in my first job as a web designer, I had to learn flash in a week! Macromedia (which eventually was acquired by Adobe) Flash defined the first decade of my career. Not to be missed, but never forgoten!


Watch “Everything is Someone” with Simone Rebaudengo

So how do we design for a world in which the distinction between user and object, between people and things is getting more and more blurred (or “everything is someone”)? What new interactions and ‘companion species’ could we imagine once we go beyond anthropomorphic metaphors and point of views?

Design Software

Watch “Designing for Privacy and Ethics” with Fiona Mc Andrew

Fiona Mc Andrew talks about the issues that arise when applying privacy and ethics to digital products, and proposed methods of applying useful and usable privacy and ethics standards to digital products […]

Design Software

Watch “Living in Information” with Jorge Arango

As our societies move critical functions online and people spend more time “living in information”, interaction designers need to create information environments that stand the test of time […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access through TV is already higher than for Tablets

The survey found an increase in the number of households with Internet access, which increased from 63.6% in 2016 to 70.5% in 2017. Television was used for network connections in 10.6% of households.

Design Innovation Software User Experience

IxDA’s 2016 Interaction Design Today: short documentary

This is the first of a series of videos I’ll be posting about my experience of sitting in the jury of the IxDA’s 2016 Interaction Awards, as well as to reflect on some of the categories winners. During the 2016 jury weekend gathering — which was hosted in November 2015 by SVA’s MFA in IxD program — myself and the other jurors sat down with the Interaction Awards co-chairs MJ Broadbent and Thomas Kueber and shared some insights and perspectives on the field of interaction design today […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: The number of cities that offer Wi-Fi reaches 26%

Of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, 1,457 provided wi-fi through public networks in 2014. Despite the leap from 2012, the cities that provide this type of access still account for only 26.2% of the total.

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: 11.5% of households access the Internet only by phone or tablet

Out of the online homes, 88% used the computer to access the network; 53.6% used mobile phones; and 17.2%, tablets. According to IBGE, 7.1 million homes have tablets and 5.4 million of them were used to get on the internet in 2013 […]