
Steven Pinker on Measuring Human Happiness

Debbie Millman talks to experimental psychologist and author Steven Pinker about measuring human happiness […]

Economics Trend Watching

Economy in Brazil: study shows market growth for vehicle tracking and fleet management

2012, the Brazilian market for vehicle tracking and fleet management handled R$ 1.5 billion and peaked at 1.94 million devices operating in the national fleet. Also according to the study, 39% of companies that already employ tracking solutions aim to increase their investment in 2014 […]

Talks & Workshops User Experience

Designing Interactions / Experiences: The Design of Experiences

This is the 5th (fifth) lecture of the “Designing Interactions / Experiences” module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which I’m honored to give by invitation of Professor Philipp Heidkamp. In this lecture, we discuss the different design artifacts typically produced during the ideation stage […]

Economics Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Number of billionaires expected to grow 157% in 10 years, study says

Brazil had 53 billionaires in 2012. In 2022, there will be 136, according to the annual survey provides Wealth Report, released recently by consultancy Knight Frank. The growth in the number of billionaires expected for Brazil, 157%, is the worlds third largest, behind China 214% and Indonesia 190%.Currently, the country with the most billionaires are the United States, with 543 people – a number that will rise to 1101 in ten years. Second on the list today is China, with 154 billionaires, and the third is with Germany and the UK – both have 149 billionaires […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Living in China: Shanghai now more expensive than New York

Tokyo is still the world’s most expensive city to live in and Oslo and Osaka still make the top five, but the Worldwide Cost of Living 2011 survey just released from the Economist Intelligence Unit also revealed some dramatic changes in the last year […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Listen to Ray Kurzweil’s “Will We Recognize the Future?” talk at NPR’s Talk of the Nation

Technology is ever-changing — and changing ever faster. But what happens when the rate of technological change becomes so fast that the fundamental nature of what it means to be human changes, too?

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Chinese consumers reluctant to spend

According to a survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), while Western companies have been counting on China to deliver solid economic growth numbers, its country’s consumers have been reluctant to increase their domestic spending, the Financial Times reports […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Trend Watching

Watch Christopher Fahey’s “The Human Interface (or:Why Products are People too)” talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘10 Conference

We can no longer ask users to think like machines just to be able to use software. This talk explores diverse areas of non-digital human experience – including language and theater, neurology and sociology – in order to frame and showcase some of the most exciting current and emerging user experience design practices, both on the web and in other media such as video games and the arts. The objective is quite simply to inspire designers to humanize their interfaces […]

China Information Technology Software Trend Watching

Information Technology in China: Internet security experts say China has legions of hackers

A young Chinese hacker talks to a New York Times reporter about his world of trolling for information that may one day be worth money […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Rich getting richer, but poor becoming resentful

Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich […]