Design Readings

Watch Andrew Hinton’s “Users Don’t Have Goals” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Much of user-experience design borrows from methods that assume users have discrete & identifiable goals. However, this assumption can seriously inhibit designing for real human behavior, which (as we will see) often has less to do with rationality than we tend to think […]

Design Readings

Watch Dave Malouf’s “The Aesthetics of Motion in the age of Natural User Interfaces” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

Motion has always been a part of interaction, but today more than ever, the types of motions we are being asked to do have greater scale and greater diversity and the very motions we employ are now central to how we differentiate the means of interaction and lead to new aesthetic and semantic phenomena as part of the total experience design […]

Readings Software

Watch Nick Finck’s “Crafting Interactions with OmniGraffle” talk at Omnigroup

Nick Finck has been focused on mobile UX and IA over the last seven years. In that time, OmniGraffle has been the tool to design interfaces to “help (people) and make their day better.” Nick talks to the people at Omnigroup about using OmniGraffle within the discipline of interaction design […]

Information Design Talks & Workshops User Experience

Information Architecture and Wayfinding

Students will understand principles of creating sensible, comprehensible, memorable, and convenient information architecture by organising the content and the tasks to be performed on their interactive product […]

Information Design Talks & Workshops

Information Design: Semiotics and the Use of Metaphors

You will learn how to use metaphors to enable users to better grasp the details of the conceptual models you create […]

Design Readings Software

[EVENT] IxDA Shanghai presents “Four Mobile Machines” with Aaron Marcus: SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2012, 7:30PM

Mr. Marcus reviews briskly four projects that are conceptual designs for new kinds of mobile applications (smartphone and tablet with associated Web portals) that combine the theories of information design and persuasion design to change people’s behavior […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Trend Watching

Next generation of tablets to feature tactile touch-back technology

When you touch the screen on an iPad or a smartphone, they all feel the same — like glass. The next generation of screen is going tactile […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software Trend Watching

Gary Flake demos Pivot and asks “is it a turning point for web exploration?” talk at TED

Gary Flake demos Pivot, a new way to browse and arrange massive amounts of images and data online. Built on breakthrough Seadragon technology, it enables spectacular zooms in and out of web databases, and the discovery of patterns and links invisible in standard web browsing […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Autodesk Releases 3D Sculpting App For The iPad

Autodesk, Inc. announced its Autodesk 123D Sculpt app, a 3D sculpting and painting app for iPad, is now available on the App Store. The app lets users turn shapes, colors and textures into personalized pieces of 3D art […]

Design Innovation

Watch Bill Verplank’s Opening Keynote on IxDA | Interaction ‘11 Conference

Bill Verplank is a human-factors engineer with a long career in design, research and education. As a fresh ME PhD from MIT he worked eight years at Xerox on the testing and refinement of what we now call the “desktop metaphor”: bit-map graphics, keyboard and mouse, direct manipulation […]