Design Readings

Watch Mike Lemmon’s “Design Language for Interactions” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

A design language establishes the visual vocabulary, relationships and hierarchies that allow diverse products to become recognizable and unified. But as products become digital and shift to multi-platform app-driven ecosystems, what constitutes an effective design language for interaction that can drive consistency across these varied experiences? This presentation provides a framework for how to establish an interaction design language by sharing professional project experiences and examples […]

Design Readings

Watch Frederick van Amstel’s “Vernacular Interaction Design” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Interaction Design is a young field dedicated to how people interact with technology, but people used to interact without technology way long before it. Kid’s street games are one example of what we call Vernacular Interaction Design. Those games have interaction structures that were designed by players themselves across many generations, accumulating a history of successive adaptations for local cultures […]

Design Readings

Watch Fabian Hemmert’s “Hack to the Future” Keynote at Interaction’12 | IxDA conference

Fabian Hemmert is a design researcher born and raised in Germany. During his studies towards an M.A. degree in Interface Design, he worked for Nintendo Europe and Marvel Comics. He is currently finishing his PhD at the Berlin University of the Arts, in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, where his thesis focuses on new ways […]

Design Readings

Watch Andrew Hinton’s “Users Don’t Have Goals” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Much of user-experience design borrows from methods that assume users have discrete & identifiable goals. However, this assumption can seriously inhibit designing for real human behavior, which (as we will see) often has less to do with rationality than we tend to think […]

Design Readings

Watch Dave Malouf’s “The Aesthetics of Motion in the age of Natural User Interfaces” talk at IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

Motion has always been a part of interaction, but today more than ever, the types of motions we are being asked to do have greater scale and greater diversity and the very motions we employ are now central to how we differentiate the means of interaction and lead to new aesthetic and semantic phenomena as part of the total experience design […]

Design Readings

Watch Michael Hawley’s “Core Principles of UX Management” talk on IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

In this talk Michael Hawley discusses ux management tactics that facilitate individual learning, enable professional development, and create an environment that motivates individuals and teams to find creative solutions to design problems […]

Design Readings

Watch Jonas Löwgren’s “Exploring, Sketching and other Designerly Ways of Working” Keynote on IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

Jonas Löwgren is a professor of interaction design and co-founder of the School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University in Sweden. He specializes in cross-media products, interactive visualization and the design theory of the digital materials […]

Design Readings

Watch Dr. Genevieve Bell’s “Rage Against the Machine?” Keynote at IxDA | Interaction ’12 Conference

Dr. Genevieve Bell is an Australian-born anthropologist and researcher. As director of User Interaction and Experience in Intel Labs, Dr. Bell leads a research team of social scientists, interaction designers, human factors engineers and computer scientists. This team shapes and helps create new Intel technologies and products that are increasingly designed around people’s needs and desires […]