Design Readings Software

Listen to Andrew Hinton’s “The World Is The Screen: Elements of Information Environments” talk at IA summit 2013

This talk suggests that we not start from the perspective of the device, the content or the software; rather we should start with understanding how people perceive their whole environment […]

Design Readings

Watch Andrew Hinton’s “Users Don’t Have Goals” talk at Interaction’12 | IxDA Conference

Much of user-experience design borrows from methods that assume users have discrete & identifiable goals. However, this assumption can seriously inhibit designing for real human behavior, which (as we will see) often has less to do with rationality than we tend to think […]

Design Readings

Listen to Andrew Hinton’s “You are (Mostly) Here: Digital Space and The Context Problem” talk at IA Summit 2009

Lead Information Architect in Vanguard’s User Experience Group, Andrew Hinton provides engaging examples (including Mr. Spock, a speeding trolley, and a Dada urinal), illustrating how language powerfully affects context, and vice-versa. Andrew connects this understanding with real-life Information Architecture design issues such as Twitter’s syntax or Facebook’s Beacon and challenges us to think more carefully about how we shape context in the digital dimension […]