Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Bringing Business Impact and User Needs together with Jobs to be Done (JTBD)

Learn how Jobs to be Done (JTBD) work as an “exchange” currency between designers, business stakeholders and technology people.

Design Strategy Talks & Workshops User Experience

Storytelling for Facilitation and Discussing Design

In this post, I’ll make the case for the need of incorporating storytelling in your facilitation toolset for better idea generation, discussing design, and creating shared understanding.

Information Design Talks & Workshops User Experience

Watch “Look, Listen, and Maybe Speak” at UX Poland

In this talk we will see examples of how empathy and awareness about cultural differences can help us communicate better at work and with friends and family.

Talks & Workshops User Experience

Designing Interactions / Experiences: Interpretation “Mode”

This is the 3rd (third) lecture of the “Designing Interactions / Experiences” module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which I’m honored to give by invitation of Professor Philipp Heidkamp. In this lecture, we discuss the general mechanics of Interpreting the data collected during Contextual Inquiry interviews […]

Talks & Workshops User Experience

Designing Interactions / Experiences: Discovery “Mode”

Discovery Mode the second lecture of the Designing Interactions / Experiences module I’m teaching at Köln International School of Design, in which we discuss the preparation necessary to conduct user research and the basics of conducting Contextual Inquiry Studies; […]

Design Thinking Talks & Workshops

Design Thinking: Interpretation

An overview of how to process the data generated during contextual inquiry interviews at the Interpretation Phase of the Design Thinking Process (part of the DESIGN THINKING module at Lasalle College, Monterey), which I’m honored to give by invitation of my good friend Jorge Otero […]

Design Thinking Talks & Workshops

Design Thinking: Logistics of Discovery

This is the Logistics of Discovery session of the Design Thinking Process, in which we cover the logistics of running Contextual Inquiry interviews as part of the DESIGN THINKING module at Lasalle College, Monterey (Mexico), which I’m honored to give by invitation of my good friend Jorge Otero […]

Design Thinking Talks & Workshops

Design Thinking: Discovery

This is the Discovery session of the Design Thinking Process, as part of the DESIGN THINKING module at Lasalle College, Monterey (Mexico), which I’m honored to give by invitation of my good friend Jorge Otero: