Information Technology Trend Watching

Information Technology in Brazil: China is passed and Brazil becomes 7th largest software market in the world

Brazil has overtaken China in 2012 and became the seventh largest domestic market in the world in the sale of software and services for information technology, according to a survey released recently by the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) […]

Design Readings

Watch Jer Thorp’s “Data & Human Experience” keynote at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Jer Thorp discusses the intersection between data and human experience. He’ll go into detail a number of projects involving diverse data sets, including the 770,000 words in the Shakespeare Folio, astronomical measurements from NASA, text from nightly news broadcasts, and real-time air traffic reports […]

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Crisis boosts advancement of aviation

Brazil is experiencing one of its best moments in the aviation industry, and today the country with the second largest fleet of jets, behind only the United States and the third most produced aircraft of this type. Ahead of Embraer (a Brazilian local manufacturer), are only the American Cessna and Canadian Bombardier. The good performance is due in large part to the international crisis started in 2008, which created a favorable environment for the purchase of these aircraft in other countries, and the growth of emerging […]

Design Readings

Watch Fabian Hemmert’s “Hack to the Future” Keynote at Interaction’12 | IxDA conference

Fabian Hemmert is a design researcher born and raised in Germany. During his studies towards an M.A. degree in Interface Design, he worked for Nintendo Europe and Marvel Comics. He is currently finishing his PhD at the Berlin University of the Arts, in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, where his thesis focuses on new ways […]

Economics Trend Watching

Doing Business in Brazil: Official guide advises Britons on Brazilian Culture

The recommendations and observations such as avoid talking about Poverty and Argentina come from the UK Trade and Investment Agency (UKTI) and were included in an official guide published to help British entrepreneurs who is planning on doing business in Brazil […]

China Trend Watching

Education in China: 43 percent of Shanghai students consider studying overseas

More than 40 percent of the students in key, city-level high schools in Shanghai are considering studying overseas as undergraduates, according to a survey released recently by the Shanghai Education Commission […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: 100 million Tourists Will Travel Outside China by 2020

WTO estimates that 100 million Chinese tourists will travel outside China by 2020; 4.6 million Chinese tourists are expected to visit Europe in 2012 […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Swiss watches clocking up record sales in China

Chinese consumers are helping to boost the Swiss watch industry, with exports worth 19.3 billion Swiss francs (US$21.1 billion) last year, an industry report shows …

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Richer, but not happier

Studies are backing up some of the suspicions I (and many other people who live here): Rising incomes in China are failing to bring greater happiness to broad swathes of the population. Rising prices and growing income inequality appear to be undermining any expected gains, and may be sowing the seeds of social unrest [..]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Asia’s rich to splurge more on art as investments

Despite giddy Chinese art prices showing some strain from global economic uncertainty, art collectors think values will continue to rise due to limited supply and continued strong demand as Asian collectors become more affluent […]