
For Inspiration: “Botero”

Fernando Botero’s voluptuous figures, both in paintings and sculpture, portrayed the high and mighty and everyday people through an enlarging prism.


Watch “The Human Side of Data” with Giorgia Lupi

Giorgia Lupi introduces her distinctive approach to data visualization by looking at the human side of data and offers a look into the far-reaching applications of her work in data and design.

Design Readings

Watch Jer Thorp’s “Data & Human Experience” keynote at Interaction’13 | IxDA Conference

In this talk, Jer Thorp discusses the intersection between data and human experience. He’ll go into detail a number of projects involving diverse data sets, including the 770,000 words in the Shakespeare Folio, astronomical measurements from NASA, text from nightly news broadcasts, and real-time air traffic reports […]

Design Readings

Watch Paola Antonelli’s “Why I brought Pac-Man to MoMA” talk at TED

When the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) senior curator of architecture and design announced the acquisition of 14 video games in 2012, “all hell broke loose.” In this far-ranging, entertaining, and deeply insightful talk, Paola Antonelli explains why she’s delighted to challenge preconceived ideas about art and galleries, and describes her burning wish to help establish a broader understanding of design […]

Design Innovation Software

Watch Aaron Koblin’s “Crowds and Clouds: Data, Sheep, and Collaboration” talk at MIT’s Office of the Arts

Where others see just data points and fodder for bar graphs, Aaron Koblin visualizes dynamic systems where information assumes forms both abstract and familiar. In this talk, Koblin shares recent projects that meld statistical science and art to convey a really big picture, while often inviting the viewer to partake in a more personal experience […]

Design Innovation

Watch Paola Antonelli’s “Talk to Me” talk at IxDA | Interaction ‘10 Conference

Whether openly and actively, or in subtle, subliminal ways, things talk to us, and designers write the initial script that will let us develop and improvise the dialogue […]

Design Innovation

Paola Antonelli’s “Design and the elastic mind” talk at TED

MOMA design curator Paola Antonelli previews the groundbreaking show ‘Design and the Elastic Mind‘ — full of products and designs that reflect the way we think now. Working at the Museum of Modern Art in New York since 1994, she now heads up the gallery’s Architecture and Design department and has worked on shows such as ‘Humble Masterpieces,’ which celebrated traditionally unheralded design icons such as the paperclip; ‘Safe,’ considering issues of protection, and ‘Workspheres,’ a look at contemporary workplace design…