
Watch “Putting Jobs-To-Be-Done to Work” with Jim Kalbach

Although the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework provides a rich theory for understanding customers, there is little practical guidance on how to use the approach. In this talk at IxDA’s ISA16, Jim Kalbach highlights concrete ways to apply the Jobs-To-Be-Done in your work.


Watch “Radical Change Management” with Marijke Jorritsma

For this talk at IxDA’s Interaction ’19, Marijke Jorritsma tells the story about how a team of UX Designers convinced the Europa Clipper mission to adopt design processes into the design and development of spacecraft operations using “radical change management” […]


Watch “Design for meaningful growth” talk with Vijay Chakravarthy

In this talk at IxDA’s Interaction’19, Vijay Chakravarthy proposes a shift in the kind of research required to operate this framework while making a case for rethinking ideation and implementation. This will require service designers to think ahead of the curve and collaborate with domain experts to implement relevant strategies.


Watch Marty Neumeier’s “Agile Strategy: Designing in the 21st Century”

In this talk at Interaction’19 conference (organised by IxDA), Marty Neumeier talks about how to use Agile Strategy and Design Thinking to get a complex organization to execute on a simple idea.


Watch Jon Kolko’s “Stories: The way to our heart, and the key to design strategy” talk

In this talk at IxDA’s Interaction’19, Jon Kolko will show you why, when, and how to create stories that set design strategy. You’ll see examples of both successes and failures, learn where these narratives are contextually most relevant and useful, identify the key components that make these stories successful, and gain the ability to form and present a vision of the future to drive product and service strategy.


Watch Jaime Levy’s “UX Strategy: Competitive Research and Analysis for Innovative Product” talk

Jaime Levy talks about how user experience (UX) strategy lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy. It is a process that should be started first before the design or development of a product begins. It relies on empirical, lightweight tactics for pushing cross-functional teams toward a unique digital solution that customers want […]

Design Innovation Readings

Roger Martin’s “The Importance of Design in Business”

Roger Martin discusses how design can help business. He speaks at the Milken Institute Global Conference 2015 on “Market Makers”

Design Innovation Readings

Watch Patrick Whitney’s “The Value of Abstracting Design Problems” talk

Patrick Whitney, Institute of Design Dean and Steelcase / Robert C. Pew Professor explains the value of design for business and innovation — in under four minutes!

Design Innovation Readings Software

Watch Bill Buxton’s “Sketching Experiences” talk at the IIT’s Institute of Design Strategy Conference

Bill Buxton in this old — but still very relevant — talk advocates the need for global businesses to explore how design and design thinking can provide them with high-level, strategic value and competitive advantage […]

Design Information Technology Software

Watch Jacob Burghardt’s “UX Opportunity Mapping for Knowledge Work Applications” presentation

Jacob Burghardt collated a lot of interesting thoughts on interaction design in his e-book Working through Screens, to serve as reference for product teams creating new or iteratively improved applications for thinking work (or what Peter Drucker called knowledge workers). He has been talking about his book and posted a few presentations on the web […]