Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access through TV is already higher than for Tablets

The survey found an increase in the number of households with Internet access, which increased from 63.6% in 2016 to 70.5% in 2017. Television was used for network connections in 10.6% of households.

Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Sale of tablets increased 164% in Q1/2013

The sale of tablets in the country in the first quarter of 2013 increased 164% compared with the same period in 2012, reaching 1.3 million devices sold, according to a study by IDC Brazil released recently: in the first quarter of 2012, 493,000 tablets were sold […]

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Sales of tablet computers grows 171% in 2012

3.1 million tablet computers were sold in Brazil in 2012, an increase of 171% compared to the previous year, when they sold 1.1 million units, according to a study released by IDC […]

China Trend Watching

Education in China: Textbooks come with obsolete cassettes

Parents often complain that it’s difficult to use the outdated tapes since many no longer have cassette players […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Information Technology in Brazil: Computer reached 45% of Brazilian households in 2011

Internet access was present in 38% of homes last year, an increase from 27% in 2010 […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Internet is the media that most influences buying tablet computers

The Internet is the medium that most influences the decision to buy a tablet for the Brazilians, according to market research firm Ipsos in nine Brazilian markets. The comments by word of mouth are second in time to help the user decide to purchase […]

Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: leading in worldwide purchase of mobile phones and HD TVs

Brazilian consumers led the purchase of mobile phones, HDTVs, digital cameras and netbooks in a study by consultancy Accenture. The annual survey on electronic products and services, highlighting the emergence of “a new paradigm of consumer technology,” calls attention to the emerging countries’ thirst for consumer electronics, compared to more stable markets of rich countries […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Education in China: First graders early adopters of e-book in Shanghai

In the e-book era, local students will soon be reading digital textbooks: the Shanghai Education Commission has set an ambitious plan to make all primary school grade one pupils use e-textbooks within five years […]

Design Innovation

Interaction Design Association (IxDA) 2010 Global Student Competition: THE FINALISTS

I recently took part on the jury of the first IxDA Global Student Design competition, which had over 40 entries, representing university programs in Australia, China, Columbia, Denmark, India, the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Of those many entries, five have earned a full scholarship to Interaction10 conference […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software Trend Watching

Watch Ted Selker’s “Context Aware Computing” Seminar on People, Computers, and Design at Stanford University

Humans work to understand and react to each others intentions. The context aware computing group at the MIT Media lab has demonstrated that across most aspects of our life, computers can do this too. The groups demonstrations range from car to office kitchen to and even bed. The goal is to show that human intentions can be recognized considered and responded to appropriately by computer systems. This talk demonstrates that Artificial intelligence can competently Improve human-computer interaction with systems and even each other in a myriad of natural scenarios […]