Design Readings Software

R.I.P. Internet Explorer

Microsoft will be disabling Internet Explorer. The news inspired jokes, memes and even some fond memories.

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Germany: 3,8 million Germans have never used the internet

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said that about 6% of Germans have never used the internet.

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: 70% of population is connected

According to ICT Households survey, 126.9 million people used the Internet in Brazil regularly in 2018. Half of the rural population and classes D and E now have access to the internet.

Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access through TV is already higher than for Tablets

The survey found an increase in the number of households with Internet access, which increased from 63.6% in 2016 to 70.5% in 2017. Television was used for network connections in 10.6% of households.

Design Inspiration Readings

Watch Seth Godin’s “This is broken” talk at TED

Why are so many things broken? In a hilarious talk from the 2006 Gel conference, Seth Godin gives a tour of things poorly designed, the 7 reasons why they are that way, and how to fix them […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: 4G offer grows, but price remains high

Model offering of smartphones with mobile Internet fourth generation 4G more than doubled in the last six months in Brazil, but the high price and network challenges still limit the broadening of the user base of this technology […]

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Consumer Behavior in Brazil: Use of smartphones and tablets higher than world average

Brazilians spend more time using mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and e-readers than the world average, according to IBOPE survey and Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN), released recently. In Brazil, the average daily time use of mobiles is 59 minutes ahead of the average period of 42 minutes recorded in the world. With smartphones, […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch Michael Anti’s “Behind the Great Firewall of China” Talk at TED

Michael Anti (aka Jing Zhao) has been blogging from China for 12 years. Despite the control the central government has over the Internet — “All the servers are in Beijing” (also known as “The Great Firewall of China”) — he says that hundreds of millions of microbloggers are in fact creating the first national public sphere in the country’s history, and shifting the balance of power in unexpected ways […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Women represent 53% of Internet users

A survey released recently by consulting firm e-bit, shows that in Brazil, 53% of Internet users are women […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Internet in China: Rural Internet usage reaches 18.5%

Although there are over 700 million Chinese people classified as living in rural areas, only about 125 million of them use the Internet. That’s a penetration rate of 18.5%*, far below the urban Chinese rate of 50% […]