Information Technology Trend Watching

Watch “The Transistor”: a 1953 documentary

This documentary captures a moment in time before the transistor became ubiquitous that was about to bring tremendous change to everyone’s daily lives.

Information Technology Personal Trend Watching

Travel Journal: The Computer History Museum

I share my visit to the Computer History Museum in San Francisco, expressing nostalgia for iconic technologies like the Apple II and reflecting on the impact of Silicon Valley on their design and tech career. I provide tips for designers to explore the museum’s rich design history and draw inspiration from the intersection of design and technology.

Economics Innovation Trend Watching

Watch Justin Hall-Tipping’s “Freeing energy from the grid” talk at TED

What would happen if we could generate power from our windowpanes? In this moving talk, entrepreneur Justin Hall-Tipping shows the materials that could make that possible, and how questioning our notion of ‘normal’ can lead to extraordinary breakthroughs […]

Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Watch Golan Levin making art that looks back at you at TED

Golan Levin, an artist and engineer, uses modern tools — robotics, new software, cognitive research — to make artworks that surprise and delight. Watch as sounds become shapes, bodies create paintings, and a curious eye looks back at the curious viewer […]

Design Information Technology Software

Watch Golan Levin’s “The software (as) art” talk at TED

Engineer and artist Golan Levin pushes the boundaries of what’s possible with audiovisuals and technology. In an amazing TED display, he shows two programs he wrote to perform his original compositions […]


Robert Fabricant’s “Behavior is our Medium” keynote at IxDA | Interaction ‘09 Conference

Robert Fabricant talks about Interaction Design as a practice beyond just computing technology. He gives examples of Interaction Design as far back as ancient history, all the way to a humanitarian project underway today. He shows that Interaction Design’s primary medium is behavior, extending far past the high technology world into the realm of human behavior and relationships […]