Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: The number of cities that offer Wi-Fi reaches 26%

Of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, 1,457 provided wi-fi through public networks in 2014. Despite the leap from 2012, the cities that provide this type of access still account for only 26.2% of the total.

China Design Economics Trend Watching

Architecture & Urban Planning in China: Exhibition site in Shanghai will be world’s biggest

Shanghai is to build the world’s largest exhibition complex, the city’s urban planners announced recently […]

China Trend Watching

Living in China: Shanghai’s Pajamas Sightings

Nothing more fashionable in Shanghai than shopping for beer in pajamas! Shanghai itself has been getting new coats of paint in the run-up to the 2010 World Expo, but the locals’ deep-seated penchant for wearing pajamas is still a nagging worry for officials eager to present a sophisticated metropolis to millions of Expo visitors […]


Living in China: Chinglish to get the axe in Shanghai for World Expo

Shanghai is looking to get rid of poorly translated English signs as it readies to welcome 4 million foreign visitors to next year’s World Expo.

China Innovation

China, Technology and the Environment: first 10 million-kw-level wind power station to be built in mid-July 2009

Workers would begin construction on China’s first 10 million-kw-level wind power station in mid-July in the far northwestern city of Jiuquan, Gansu Province, a local official said recently […]


Living in China: Beijing to set new vehicle rules as post-Olympics limits cut jams, pollution

New vehicle restrictions are likely to be announced soon in the Chinese capital, given that a post-Olympics system has “significantly improved” traffic conditions and air quality, Beijing officials said recently. “New car restrictions will be unveiled soon to replace the current ones,” said Wang Zhaorong, spokesman for the Beijing Municipal Committee of Communications […]


Living in China: Shanghai’s bad habits surveyed

As part of the preparations for the Shanghai World Expo, the Shanghai municipal government has marked the 600 day countdown by publishing a report on ‘uncivilized behavior‘ among locals. The report is based on an online survey in which over 5,000 Shanghai citizens were polled on what kind of behavior they consider annoying or rude […]


Living in China: Beijing, Shanghai increase salaries

Despite the severest economic crisis in decades, Beijing and Shanghai continued to significantly increase workers’ salaries last year, according to official statistics. In Beijing, workers earned on an average 44,715 yuan ($6,570) last year, 4,848 yuan more, or a 12 percent increase, than in 2007, according to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics. In Shanghai, the average monthly salary last year was 3,292 yuan, a 400-yuan, or 13.8-percent, jump from 2007, according to the Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau announcement […]


Living in China: Survey shows Beijing’s office workers spend 70 minutes on daily commute

According to statistics released by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics (BMBS), residents’ average daily work-related travel time was 70 minutes in 2008, 16 minutes longer than 20 years ago. The survey’s statistics show that the average daily duration of work for urban and rural residents was 5 hours and 55 minutes in 2008, 43 minutes shorter than 20 years ago. At the same time, work-related travel time was 70 minutes, 16 minutes longer than 20 years ago.

China Design Information Technology Innovation

Design in China: first Chinese digital publishing base opened in Shanghai

China’s first national digital publishing base opened in the Shanghai’s Zhangjiang High-Tech Park recently. Since Zhangjiang has already attracted many digital and information technology companies, it was the ideal base to help foster development of the new industry in China, according to Jiao Yang, director of the Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau…