Social Media Talks & Workshops

“Creativity & Design in Collaborative / Distributed Environments” talk at Social Media Week 2012

In this presentation, I share some of my research during my MA Design Practice at Northumbria University when I was investigating on Creating Innovative Design Software Solutions within Collaborative/Distributed Design Environments […]

Innovation Readings

Social Media Week Shanghai 2012: September 24-28

I’m honored to have been invited by the organizers to speak as the Local Coordinator for the Interaction Design Association (IxDA) at the Social Media Week Shanghai 2012: I’ll be sharing some of my research during my MA Design Practice at Northumbria University when I was investigating on Creating Innovative Design Software Solutions within Collaborative/Distributed Design Environments […]

China Economics Innovation Software Trend Watching

Intellectual Property: China piracy cost U.S. firms $48 billion in 2009

Chinese piracy and counterfeiting of U.S. software and a wide range of other intellectual property cost American businesses an estimated $48 billion in 2009, the U.S. International Trade Commission said in a report released recently […]

China Economics Trend Watching

Living in China: Shanghai’s prime housing prices soar highest globally

Shanghai topped major cities around the world in 2009 by posting the biggest annual price increase for houses located in prime areas as China’s quick recovery from the global recession helped boost capital gains, according to a joint wealth report by Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: boost spending to save economy?

The Chinese government is asking its people to spend a little more and save a little less to help get the country through the global economic downturn […]


Living in China: Hong Kong employees work 48.8 hours per week

Hong Kong full-time employees work an average of 48.8 hours every week, 22 percent more than the work time recommended by the International Labor Organization (ILO) , a survey released recently has found. The survey, commissioned by non-profit organization Community Business by random phone interviews in July/2008 with 1,011 full-time employees, also found that one third of the respondents said they would consider leaving their current job for a better work-life balance.

China Trend Watching

Advertising in China: launches amount to 36 billion U.S. dollars in first half/2008

In the first half of 2008, China’s total advertising launch reached 244.9 billion yuan (over 36 billion U.S. dollars) , an increase of 17% compared with the same period last year, according to well-known global media and information group Nielsen latest report of ad information services, Xinhua News reported. Among the three types of major media Nielsen monitored, television continued to lead with 83% of the advertising market share, a total of 204 billion yuan; and print media advertising made progress with an increase of 14 percent. Among them, newspapers and magazine ads amounted to 36 billion and 5 billion yuan […]

China Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: India, China, and Brazil sees highest jump in millionaires

India, China, and Brazil saw bigger growth in the millionaire population last year than anywhere else, and wealth in the Asia-Pacific is expected to grow nearly 8 percent a year to 2012 despite a slowdown in the world at large, a survey showed. The number of millionaires in the Asia-Pacific grew 8.7 percent from a year ago to 2.8 million people and their combined wealth soared 12.5 percent to $9.5 trillion US dollars, excluding the value of their homes and consumables, Merrill Lynch and Capgemini said at a news conference in Singapore recently…

China Design Information Technology Innovation Software

Autodesk Supports China’s Digital Design Education

In cooperation with China’s Ministry of Education, Autodesk has launched China Student Design Community to provide free digital design tools to Chinese students, in order to support of China’s digital design innovation and engineering education. Previously, the company has made investments in China’s education field, including the establishment of joint labs in five Chinese universities of Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Harbin Institute of Technology, South China University of Technology and Shanghai Jiaotong University. The company has also sponsored China’s Development and Design program through which it has reached partnership with Beijing Software and Information Service Promotion Center, providing software and development tools to Chinese designers…

China Information Technology Software

Autodesk sets up new R&D center in Shanghai

Autodesk®, Inc has established a new research and development center in Shanghai with 1,500 employees, the biggest R&D center among multinational firms in China. The center will combine the operations of Autodesk and Hanna Strategies — acquired in November — and will be named the Autodesk China Research and Development Center (ACRD). The new name, ACRD, reflects the substantial design and development of Autodesk software products in China, according to Carl Bass, president and chief executive of Autodesk. […]