China Consumer Behavior Economics Trend Watching

China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: becoming the biggest market of luxury products

Observers predict that China will soon be biggest in the world for high-end designer consumer goods. Chinese people will buy more than half their acquisition of luxury goods on the mainland in 2014 rather than overseas, as is the case now, business research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan said in its latest survey […]

China Consumer Behavior Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Gaming in China: Sales of online gaming industry hit 4 billion US dollars in 2009

The pace of growth of China’s online gaming industry slowed in 2009, growing 30.2 percent to 27.1 billion yuan ($3.97 billion) over the previous year, according to data from research firm iResearch […]

China Consumer Behavior Trend Watching

Advertising in China: Online Ad Spending Will Increase 36.7% in 2009

Online advertising growth in China will slow to 36.7% in 2009 from 105% a year earlier, according to a report by iResearch Consulting Group […]

China Information Technology Software

Gaming in China: Overseas revenue of Chinese online games exceeds 100 million USD

Statistics released by China’s General Administration of Press and Publication show that the online games market in China realized actual sales of 18.38 billion yuan last year, up 76.6 percent from 2007. Moreover, it created 47.84 billion yuan in direct revenues for industries such as telecommunications and IT […]

China Information Technology

Chinese People and Their Mobile Phones: China Telecom starts 3G trials

China Telecom, the country’s largest fixed-line operator, started trials of the third-generation (3G) mobile services in Shanghai recently, and plans to extend the same nationwide soon. Shanghai Telecom, China Telecom’s subsidiary, said it would invest 6 billion yuan (nearly 1 Billion US dollars) on various projects including the 2010 Shanghai Expo World, 3G-network construction, and enterprise services this year […]

China Consumer Behavior

e-Commerce in China: online shopping totals over 14 billion US dollars in 2008

The annual trade volume of China’s online shopping market in 2008 surpassed the amount of 100 billion yuan (over 14 billion US dollars) for the first time, totaling 120 billion yuan, up by 128.5 percent year on year. Compared with the previous year, the growth rate rose by nearly 40 percentage points. The data come from the ‘2008 China Online Shopping Research Report‘ , jointly published by iResearch Consulting Group, a domestic polling organization, and The report also shows that, in 2008, the number of registered online shoppers in China increased by 185 percent from the previous year, reaching 120 million customers…


Internet in China: Alibaba to invest over 730 million US dollars in online auction unit

Taobao, the online auction unit of China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, announced the parent company would invest in it 5 billion yuan (732 million U.S. dollars) over the next five years. Taobao president Lu Zhaoxi said the investment showed its confidence in the long-term Internet development and economic growth in China […]

China Economics Trend Watching

e-Commerce in China: dot-com economy grew over 60 percent year on year in the second quarter/2008

China’s dot-com economy grew nearly 63 percent year on year in the second quarter, despite increasing inflation and the effects of the Sichuan earthquake, a Shanghai-based research firm reported recently. Revenue generated by China’s online search, game and travel providers reached 13.32 billion yuan (US$1.94 billion) in the April-to-June period, iResearch said…

China Consumer Behavior Software

Internet in China: online game market hit 1.8 billion US Dollars in 2007

China’s online gaming market surged 66.7 percent year-on-year to hit 12.8 billion yuan in 2007, according to a report released by i Research Inc., a Shanghai-based consulting firm. The jump is largely driven by China’s massive player-pool and operators‘ marketing efforts, said the firm. The number of China’s netizens grew 53 percent last year from 2006 to hit 210 million by December, which means the country is close to overtaking the United States to become the world’s No. 1 by web population size, according to China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC): Nearly 60 percent of the web users (more than 120 million) have played at least one title in the past year, with an average of 7.3 hours spent on the online games every week. Twenty-one percent of them even played more than 10 hours a week […]

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in China: online gamers are mostly students

Students make up the biggest group of online game players in China, followed by IT and media industry workers, according to a survey released recently, Beijing Business Today reported. The survey, jointly conducted by, a Chinese online game Website, and iResearch Consulting Group, said almost 60 percent of gamers were in their 20s and 95 percent were below 35 years old.

High school graduates accounted for 35 percent of Chinese gamers, the report said. One-third of the respondents have a college education and 23 percent a university diploma. Forty-five percent of the gamers were female, who favored to join in the games with the identification of opposite sex…