
SAP Enters List of “World’s Best Workplaces”

SAP qualified as a result of its success in appearing in “Best Workplaces” lists in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greater China, India, Ireland, Peru, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: The number of cities that offer Wi-Fi reaches 26%

Of the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, 1,457 provided wi-fi through public networks in 2014. Despite the leap from 2012, the cities that provide this type of access still account for only 26.2% of the total.

Readings Software

Information Technology in Brazil: team of Brazilian students win “Programming World Cup”

A team of Brazilian students who invented a software that creates custom clothes automatically for every body type was chosen the winner of the 2015 Imagine Cup […]

Design Inspiration Readings Software

Watch Jessica Hische’s “Less Exciting Work” talk

Jessica Hische goes through her own work and shows you what happens when the small and imperceptible becomes even more exciting than the big bright and flashy […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: Amazon starts selling books with a catalog of 150,000 titles

Just over six months after entering the e-commerce space of other physical goods through internet in Brazil, Amazon will soon begin to sell books, making its debut in the country in the segment that Amazon has revolutionize the way business is done […]

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: Smartphones are now three out of four phones

In the first five months of 2014, 28.2 million mobile phones were sold, an increase of 8% over the same period of 2013 — according to the data collected by IDC and analyzed by Abinee […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: access on mobile devices doubles in 2 years

The number of Brazilians who access the internet on the small screen of the cell reached 52.5 million people, according to the ICT Households survey: this means that 31% of Brazilians ages 10 or older connect through the mobile device, double what it was two years ago. In 2011, there were only 15%.

Readings Software

Information Technology in Brazil: universities scoring well in the “Programming World Cup”

The Brazilian Military Institute of Engineering (IME) finished the “World Cup of Programming”, closed on Wednesday (25) as the best university in Latin America in this year. Another highlight of the tournament was the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) — my alma mater — who finished 36th […]

Information Technology Trend Watching

Internet in Brazil: lagging behind in the “Internet World Cup”

Brazil has the ninth worst average internet speed among 32 countries that are participating in the World Cup, according to a survey of Globo’s G1 with data provided by the infrastructure company Akamai network […]

Consumer Behavior Information Technology Trend Watching

Mobile Devices in Brazil: customers are more willing to switch mobile provider

Nokia survey mapped consumption behaviors in 11 countries. ‘Habits of Brazilian customers are becoming similar to the European and American customers’, says executive […]