
For Inspiration: “Let Dream Tell You a Story” from The Sandman

Even if you’re not a comic book fan, you’ve probably heard of Netflix’s adaptation of The Sandman. In this short video, Tom Sturridge is the ASMR of your dreams.


Watch Neil Gaiman’s “Creative Writing Lessons”

Neil Gaiman while answering questions about Creative Writing tackles the question all writers hate; where do you get your ideas from? He jokes about this first but then explains why this is, and why this is such a difficult question for writers


Watch “The art of first impressions” with Chip Kidd

Chip Kidd explains the two techniques designers use to communicate instantly and when, why and how they work […]


Watch Neil Gaiman’s “Make Up Your Own Rules”

In this Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts, author and Artist Neil Gaiman talks about how the world is change, and the creative industries are changing with it, and encourage us to “make up your own rules”


Watch Stan Lee’s “Creative Until You Die”

In this interview for the Hollywood Reporter, Stan Lee — who helped create Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man and other legendary Marvel comic franchises — talks about being active, about (not) retiring, and doing things you want to do […]


Neil Gaiman on Creative Process, Boredom and Changing Directions

The last issue of The Sandman came out a decade ago. A couple of years ago author Neil Gaiman returned to Sandman with a prequel series, called The Sandman: Overture. Gaiman talks about his creative process, collaborating with artists, and how boredom propelled Sandman from horror to other things.


Watch Philip Zimbardo prescribe a healthy take on time at TED

Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says happiness and success are rooted in a trait most of us disregard: the way we orient toward the past, present and future. He suggests we calibrate our outlook on time as a first step to improving our lives […]

China Design Readings Trend Watching

Design in China: animation gaining “real” art status

Animated films, television cartoons and graphic novels have come a long way to being accepted as art forms in China […]

Design Inspiration

Scott McCloud’s “Understanding comics” talk at TED

In this unmissable look at the magic of comics, Scott McCloud bends the presentation format into a cartoon-like experience, where colorful diversions whiz through childhood fascinations and imagined futures that our eyes can hear and touch […]


Living in China: Chinese youth ‘face suicide risk’

The Chinese Association for Mental Health says young people aged between 15 and 34 are more likely to die at their own hand than by any other means. The suicide rate is reported to be higher in the countryside than cities, with more women taking their own lives.