Economics Information Technology Trend Watching

Information Technology in Brazil: Launching Investment Program to Boost Software and IT Industry

Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) has unveiled a new Strategic Program for Software and Information Technology in Brazil, announcing R$ 500 million (approximately US$ 248 million) in planned investments from 2012-2015 to build and strengthen Brazil’s competitiveness in this sector [..]

China Economics Information Technology Innovation Readings Trend Watching

China, Technology & Innovation: New research projects keep Shanghai district in front with science

Scientific research projects on sodium sulfur batteries, electric cars and high power lasers have been kicked off in Shanghai’s Jiading District: regarded as a “Science and Technology Satellite City” in Shanghai, the district has become a cluster area for scientific research institutes […]

Trend Watching

Internet in China: blogs exceed 100 million

China-based blogs total 107 million, with more than 42 percent of netizens running a blog, a senior information official said here on recently. Cai Mingzhao, deputy director of the Chinese State Council Information Office, made the comment at the 2nd U.S.-China Internet Industry Forum. The number of blogs was about 40 million just a year ago […]

China Design Economics Innovation

China Needs More Intellectual Property Rights Experts

China is facing a damaging shortfall in the numbers of professionals working in the field of intellectual property rights, leading academics claim: a Forum on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) in Higher Education heard that China will need the skills of between 55,000 and 60,000 experts in the field by 2010. The claim came from Professor Zheng Shengli, dean of the IPR School at Peking University, in his latest research on the IPR profession…