China Information Technology

Internet in China: Shanghai to establish the first citywide wireless broadband network in mainland China

Shanghai will have established a citywide wireless broadband network by 2010: Shanghai’s Municipal Informatization Commission and China Telecom Shanghai revealed that wireless demonstration areas will be ready for use in 2008. A number of regions are currently competing to become exhibition areas and obtain future construction projects. At present, people can access a wireless network in Jiading District in the north of Shanghai. Wireless will probably be available in most areas in the city’s central Huangpu District, where the municipal government buildings are located, by the end of the year, said Hua Ruiqiang, Shanghai Telecom’s senior manager […]

China Economics Information Technology Software

Shanghai IT income set to beat US$128billion

Revenue of Shanghai’s information technology industry is set to double last year’s figure to surpass 1 trillion yuan (US$128 billion) in 2010 when the World Expo is held here. The city will invest heavily in several IT projects for the expo, such as a citywide wireless broadband network, a digital transport management network, electronic payment and social security systems, paper-less customs application system and mobile TV, according to Shanghai Municipal Informatization Commission […]