
China, Socialism & Consumer Behavior: Shanghai plans China’s first private-jet service hub

Business people and entertainment stars who own their own airplanes will be able to fly in and out of China’s first comprehensive hub for private aircraft in 2009 in Shanghai. The new 80-million-yuan (US$11.6 million) Hongqiao Airport Business Aviation Center, which broke ground recently, will provide a full range of services for privately owned aircraft, including leasing, hanger space and maintenance, its owners said. The business aviation center is expected to open in the second half of 2009, according to the Shanghai Airport Authority, the operator of the city’s two airports and an investor in the project…

China Information Technology Software

Intelectual Property: Shanghai’s biggest copyright case hits court

A Shanghai city court began hearing criminal charges recently against a gang accused of global trading in pirated software – at US$10 million-plus, the biggest case of copyright violation in Shanghai’s history. Nine defendants were brought before the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court in a trial that is expected to last two days…

China Innovation

Intellectual Property: Draft amendment on China’s patent law tabled, higher penalties for violators

Less than three months after the Chinese State Council put its stamp on the patent law reform blueprint, the government submitted the draft amendment to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, for first reading recently. Tian Lipu, commissioner of the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office, said the amendment to the Patent Law would make several important changes to the application process and enforcement of the law…

China Consumer Behavior Information Technology Innovation Trend Watching

Chinese People and Their Mobile Phones: Market Increases on a Large Scale, Driven by Demand

CCID Consulting, China’s leading research, consulting and IT outsourcing service provider, recently released its article on mobile phone market increasing in large scale. From data by CCID Consulting, the sales volume in China’s mobile market is 150 million units in 2007, which is 24.1% more than that of 2006. If black-market mobiles from smuggling, unregistered brands and other illegal products are counted, the number exceeded 200 million in 2007. The China mobile market has started development on a large scale driven by market demand and technology renovation

China Information Technology Trend Watching

Chinese People and Their Mobile Phones: Metrics on Mobile Media Consumption in China

According to latest data from the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry, there were about 550 million mobile subscribers in China by the end of 2007. Mobile handsets will undoubtedly become the most used media consumption device among Chinese users, if it is not yet. M:Metrics recently released its study on mobile media consumption in China.