Use Case Documents

I’ve created use case documents and maintained lists of use cases, which were very useful for:

  • Visualizing the impact of implementation of any give use case to the different personas;
  • Helping in the decision making process by providing a better sense of priorities;
  • Communicating workflows without being distracted by discussions about look-and-feel;

Use Case Documents

I’ve written Use Case Documents to help communicating workflows without being distracted by discussions about look-and-feel.

User Experience: USE CASE DOCUMENT
User Experience: USE CASE DOCUMENT

Use Cases Lists: PUGH MATRIX

Based on the work of Jon Innes and James McElroy, I’ve created Use Cases Lists (or Pugh Matrix), which is decision matrix to help evaluate and prioritize a list of options. I’ve worked with teams to first establish a list of weighted criteria and then evaluates each option against those criteria, trying to take the input from the different stakeholders of the team into account (user experience, business values, etc).

User Experience: USE CASES LIST
Establishing a list of weighted criteria, and then evaluates each use case against those criteria, trying to take the input from the different stakeholders of the team into account (user experience, business values, etc).

Outcome-driven Innovation

Once you’ve got a good picture of list of potential use cases a particular product could deliver to market, I’ve used Anthony Ulwick’s Outcome-driven Innovation framework to help with the Product Definition and Requirements Prioritization:

  • Visualizing the impact of implementation of any give use case to the different personas;
  • Helping in the decision making process by providing a better sense of priorities

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