Jury of IxDA’s 2010 Global Student Competition

In 2009 I had the privilege of being part on the jury of the first Interaction Design Association (IxDA)’s Global Student Design competition, which had over 40 entries, representing university programs in Australia, China, Colombia, Denmark, India, the Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Of those many entries, five have earned a full scholarship to Interaction10 conference.

Jury Members

  • David Malouf – Savannah College of Art & Design (committee chair person)
  • Robert Fabricant – frog design
  • Alie Rose – Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
  • Allan Chochinov – Core77
  • Jonas Löwgren – Malmö University
  • Liz Danzico – School of Visual Arts
  • Jeremy Yuille – RMIT University
  • Martin Tomitsch – University of Sydney
  • Nathan Shedroff – California College of Arts
  • Matt Cottam – RISD
  • Christopher Fahey – Behavior Design
  • Malcolm McCullough – University of Michigan
  • Lennart Andersson – Ergonomi Design
  • Itamar Medeiros – Autodesk, Shanghai

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